Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Taking time to make good choices

Elizabeth Templin McCamic

One thing I'd like to work on over the next few months is making better choices about what I eat.

I've worked hard this year to make time for workouts. My running has improved and I've pushed myself to work harder than I ever have before. I've taken on new challenges and tried new ways of working out (something I'd like to do more of in the coming months).

But I know in order for all that hard work to pay off, I need to do a little better about what I eat (in fact, this was one of my goals when I started blogging in January. Time to keep myself accountable).

Like many people, my pitfall usually occurs over the weekend. I'm pretty good about eating fruits and vegetables during the week and not snacking or splurging. But during the weekend, I'm visiting friends and family or going out of town or just looking to kick back - and not really paying attention to what I eat. Some of the problem is being in situations where I'm not planning the meals I eat. Some of it is just wanting to enjoy the weekend.

I've been keeping track a little better the last couple of weeks, and it's making a difference. I've lost two pounds and hope to lose more. I also want to be in the habit of eating well all the time and to have a plan when there aren't a lot of healthy options. I need to learn to find balance (any tips out there?).

One thing I've been enjoying a lot of lately is summer fruit. I've been slicing nectarines and adding berries. I've enjoyed watermelon, cherries and plums. This time of year, when so many fruits and vegetables are abundant, it's easy to choose well.