Friday, September 23, 2011

Making lemonade

Ellyn Ritterskamp

I ran across a forum at My Fitness Pal about folks drinking hot water in the morning with the juice of half a lemon in it. They claim increased energy, weight loss and umm, regularity.

I thought I'd try it, but rather than buying a bunch of lemons, we bought a thing of lemon juice, at a quarter of the price or less. The math got too complicated, but this is a much better deal.

I use the Keurig coffee machine to run 8 oz of hot water into a mug with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. It is drinkable, though I haven't developed a craving for it like some of the message board folks.

Maybe this will turn out to be one of those folk remedies that has some benefit. I am not down with the gin-soaked raisins yet, but if it feels good, do it!



Anonymous said...

i think it's key to use an actual lemon - because you want the white pith as well.

Sasi said...

It is said that warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey helps in cleansing the blood when taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The honey probably is added because lemon juice might cause acidity on an empty stomach (not sure of this logic though, just my guess). And it's warm water and not hot water. It is not meant to substitute a hot cup of coffee or tea.