Lawrence Toppman:
A friend responded to my post about being stalled in my weight-dropping quest by suggesting my body had found its "right weight:" It had lost the 10 or 11 pounds it should never have gained, and now it was determined to fight me the rest of the way. I would be healthy as long as I kept exercising and ate intelligently, but I wouldn't lose more weight unless I made an enormous effort to cut out starches, sweets, etc. My body was simply where it wanted to be.
Well, &^%$#@!
This is it? Unless I cut out desserts and step up my walking program dramatically, I'm going to hover where I am now? Good-bye to the tuxedo I hope to wear next summer? Farewell to dreams of a 36-inch waist at the age of 60?
All year, I've learned to be moderate in my intake: not to live abstemiously, but to live sensibly. (Did you know "abstemiously" is one of two words in English that utilize all six vowels in the order they appear in the alphabet?) I do want to lose another six or seven pounds, but not at the expense of every gastronomic pleasure. This will require thinking about for 2012, I see.
Oh, the other one is "facetiously."
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10 years ago
Dropping your pretentious, BS movie reviews would give you that 32 inch waist you're dreaming of Larry.
Anon 9:31 - What a mean-spirited, nasty little person you must be. Thank God for the anonimity of the Internet, huh? And you clearly don't know much about cinema either; Toppman's one of the best and we're lucky to have him on that beat. But, by golly, you do know how to type and have somehow figured out how to use a computer. Your mama must be so proud.
I just read a great book called "Super Immunity" by Joel Fuhrman, MD. It's fascinating. It's mainly about being really healthy and immune to most diseases, but being your best weight would probably just naturally happen following the way of eating described in the book.
drop processed starches and sugars and drop the pounds.
Archiguy - 9:31 was mean spirited I'll agree, but Toppman will always get hell from me for saying The Phantom Menace was better than King Kong. I disagree with nearly every movie review he does, BUT I won't be mean about it.
Topp... Phantom Menace is a horrible, horrible, horrible movie.
Good luck on your weight loss goals though. Hit the weights! HARD! You'll drop more.
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