Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New shoes are more than a treat

Ellyn Ritterskamp

It's time for new walking/running shoes.

How can I tell? My left knee hurts.

A few years ago, it hurt like this, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally, I went across the street to a wonderful locally-owned running store (Run For Your Life), and they showed me how the base of the shoe had zero cushion left. I may as well have been walking on bare feet at that point, which, the whole barefoot thing is a topic for another day.

So my first purchase with next week's paycheck: new Brooks shoes. I've worn basically the same shoe for five or six years now, sometimes a mens' version if mine are sold out. But they fit, and feel wonderful, and last plenty long, so once you find that perfect match, you don't mess with it.


Anonymous said...

The cushioning in your beloved shoes causes injury, not prevents it. Nike, Addidas, Reebok have all admitted there is absolutely no proof that big puffy cushiony shoes either prevent injury or improve running. Switch immediately to minimalist shoes. Your running will improve and your injuries will be gone.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll try two different kinds, thanks.
