I love lifting weights. Some principles:
Start with large muscles and work toward smaller ones. Or not.
Lift before doing your cardio. Or not.
Lift lighter weights with lots of repetitions. Or not.
Look, as long as you do it, some of this stuff is not critical. My preferences are to start with larger muscles, to lift every other day to allow the muscles to repair, and to do heavy weights and 4-6 reps.
But unless you know what you're doing, you want to get a trainer or find free online videos to show you how to do this stuff. There is tons of stuff at youtube.
You also don't even have to have weights. Your bodyweight is plenty of resistance for a lot of exercises. Some of the standbys are pushups, situps, squats and lunges. We can do these while we watch TV!
Ladies, don't think that lifting weights will make your body look bulgy and masculine. It won't. You have to take hormones or other drugs to look like that. You will look sleek and strong. It's attractive. I promise.
Guys, you have the upper hand on us. Because of testosterone, you can get pretty big muscles pretty quickly, if you are devoted. But remember not to just build up one body part - most beginner men go for biceps or chest. Those leg and back muscles need work, too, or you will get all disproportional-looking. I am a big fan of the Max-OT training system, if you are looking for something new.
Monday: biceps, triceps, chest
Thursday: legs, back and abs
Two weeks like this, to get back into it, then upping to three days a week. Come lift along with me!
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10 years ago
I'm a big fan of the pushing and pulling rotation. You use your pushing muscles (shoulders, tris, chest) one day, and your pulling muscles the other (legs, back, bis.) Abs are for every day!
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