Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goal No. 1: My first half marathon

Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to get serious about setting goals for the year. Among them for me are some fitness goals.

A few weeks ago, before I knew I’d be writing for this blog, I was driving in south Charlotte with my sister. We were on our way to do some holiday shopping when she casually asked what I was doing on April 16.

“There’s this half marathon I’d like to run,” she said, “and I want you to run it with me.”

Now, my sister is not a runner so this request was pretty out of the blue. I have run a few shorter races and know a half marathon is a big commitment. We talked about training schedules, I thought it over and we decided to sign up.

The training will help us get to the gym often this winter, when it’s tempting to stay inside where it’s warm and cozy. And we’ll be working toward something together so there’s built-in accountability.

So goal No. 1 is to run my first half marathon. It will be a challenge, and I’m looking forward to pushing myself a little more than normal.

My second goal might sound a little strange. I’d like to be able to do at least one pull-up by the end of the year. More on this in the next post.

What are your goals for this year?

- Elizabeth


Jannie said...

Just to be able to run again at all would be bliss. I ran 5 marathons before I put on the weight, and I hope one day I will be able to complete more races. Shorter term, my goal is simply to exercise every single day. Since New Years, I have succeeded.

Elizabeth said...

Jannie, thanks for your note. Congrats on exercising every day in the new year. Often small changes yield big results. Keep up the good work! I'll try to do the same.