Friday, February 18, 2011

Don't forget to drink your water

Elizabeth Templin McCamic:

One of the things I sometimes struggle with is remembering to drink enough water each day.

I’m not sure why this is such a challenge for me. I don’t dislike drinking water and I am often thirsty. But somehow I never seem to get enough.

When I was dieting a few years ago, water was a key to my success. Drinking three to four glasses of water a day helped me feel full and kept me from snacking when I wasn’t really hungry.

I’ve tried to keep up the habit of drinking water throughout the day and carry a reusable water bottle with me most of the time.

Still, it is a struggle to actually take the time to take a sip. I get busy or decide to drink something more appealing with meals. Now that I am doing so much running, I’m finding I really need that water, so this is something I want to work on.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to the warm weather forecasted for the weekend. Should be great conditions for Sunday’s seven mile run. Have fun out there!


Anonymous said...

I forget to drink water during the day too.

One reason is that I DON'T like the taste. Or the lack of.

A glass tastes better with half a lemon squeezed into it, which I manage to do first thing in the morning.

But after that, it's H2O amnesia for me.


Maybe I'll start setting an hourly notice on my calendar.