Monday, February 28, 2011

"I'm sittin' on top of the world..."

Lawrence Toppman:

Wait, was I cheering for myself just now? Sorry, couldn't help it. The digital scale wavered at 189 this morning and then went to 189.5 to be mean. Now, assuming my wife didn't recalibrate it last night to make me feel better, that means I lost four pounds in the past week.

I have learned two valuable lessons from this endeavor. The first is that I must be careful all the time: I can eat one of those mini-Haagen-Dasz containers but can't have two cookies, even little ones, in the same day. And the second lesson is that BWAAAAAAH-HAH-HAH-HAH! I LOST FOUR POUNDS IN A WEEK! ONE WEEK!

Sorry, my brain flooded with endorphins. The second thing is that this is an up-and-down process. I'll eat healthily for a week with hardly any positive result, then eat a bit more casually and be happily surprised. My body is doing unpredictable things, and I need to look long-term at the results, not get upset or exhilarated by one weigh-in.

OK, that's the official philosophy of this blog. The unofficial philosophy is FOUR POUNDS THIS WEEK! WHOOOOOOO!


JPT said...

Lawrence, trust me on this. Eating well is only half of it. You need to exercise as well. I'm not talking about going to the gym and beating your brains out. Just a 1/2 hour walk or something every day.

You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Isn't that crazy but your body has no idea what a week is! Two lbs a week ON AVERAGE is the best number to lose per week to be safe and to have it be longer lasting - as your body doesn't think it is starving. As I have lost weight, I too have had Haagen Daz and hamburgers and pizza. I just eat much less of it portion size wise, less often than I used to (daily) AND when I do "indulge" I am extra careful the rest of that day. I had a belgian waffle with butter and syrup yesterday - heaven! You will stay on track if you don't deny yourself everything you love. Soon, very soon, a little cup of Haagen Daz versus two big scoops - or dare I say, a pint (!) will be completely satisfying! Great job and keep it up!