Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is not what they mean by cat-napping

Ellyn Ritterskamp

This cat will spoil it all.

I work at night, so I sleep from 4 a.m. to noon. I've done it for 23 years.

But around 8:30, the cat hears the downstairs neighbors moving around, and sees the sun, and thinks it's time to get up. He doesn't need anything, just reassurance that someone is alive.

I use wonderful silicone earplugs, but when he is ON me and howling, no earplugs can save that.

Good sleep is important for a successful weight-loss program. I've read that we have some hormonal changes that happen then, that help keep fat-burning on track.

Maybe some day he will sleep when I sleep. But after nearly 17 years, I don't think I am changing his mind. He sleeps like a rock from noon to 10 p.m., though. Maybe I should change jobs.....
